Classic Hand Tied Bouquet
Want to bring a splash of spring to your favorite momma? This is the bouquet for you. Our beautiful had tied bouquet is ready for mom to put in her favorite vase!
Pick up Available at 109 S Scott Street Spokane Wa 99202 Unit D1
Saturday the 10th 11pm-4pm
Wednessday the 13th 11-6pm
Thursday the 14th 8am-11am
*** If you are picking up at House of Brunch please specify in NOTES!!!
*** If you are picking up at House of Brunch please specify in NOTES!!!
Limited Delivery options ONLY THE 14th. Deliveries will happen 10am-2pm on the 14th an additional $20 will be charged for all deliveries on a seperate pay pal invoce that will be emiailed. Please in the notes for cards write when you will be picking up or if you would like to schedule a delivery.